Denne her var røget i den forkerte tråd, så jeg poster den også lige her, så den er nemmere at finde igen.
UK - Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977) 2 x BD limited edition - få film har nok skuffet så mange som John Boormans udskældte opfølger til William Friedkins blockbuster-succes The Exorcist (1973). Produktionen rendte ind i en masse problemer undervejs, og de fleste er i dag enige om, at resultatet bare ikke er særligt godt.
Det er efterhånden seks år siden, at Shout! Factory udsendte en collector's edition på BD i USA, der gav mulighed for at reevaluere filmen, og nu kommer Arrow så endeligt med deres bud på en udgivelse.
Arrows udgave indeholder ligesom SF's gamle udgivelse to versioner af filmen - den originale 118 minutter udgave, der blev vist ved den amerikanske biografpremiere, og den 103 minutter lange international version.
Alle extras fra Shout! Factorys udgivelse er blevet overført, og Arrow har desuden tilføjet to nye kommentarspor, hvoraf det ene bl.a. er med filmhistorikeren Lee Gambin, der døde for nylig.
High Definition (1080p) Blu-ray presentations of the 118-minute Original Premiere Version and the 103-minute International Version
Original lossless mono audio
Optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing
Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Peter Savieri
Illustrated collector's booklet featuring new writing by film critics Alexandra Heller-Nicholas, Glenn Kenny and Matt Rogerson, plus an archival interview with cinematographer William Fraker
DISC ONE - ORIGINAL PREMIERE VERSIONNew commentary by film historian Lee Gambin and filmmaker David Kittredge, director of the forthcoming feature-length Exorcist II documentary, Heretics
New audio commentary by screenwriter and author Kelly Goodner and film historian Jim Hemphill
Archive audio commentary with director John Boorman
Archive audio commentary with special consultant Scott Michael Bosco
It's Okay, He's Gone, a new visual essay by film critics BJ and Harmony Colangelo
What Does She Remember?, an archive interview with actress with Linda Blair
Archive interview with editor Tom Priestley
Theatrical trailer
Teaser trailer
Extensive image galleries
DISC TWO - INTERNATIONAL VERSIONArchive audio commentary by film critic Mike White of The Projection Booth podcast
Theatrical trailer
Der medfølger et limited edition slipcover og hæfte.
Exorcist II: The Heretic limited edition udkommer på BD i UK den 7. oktober.
UK - The Exorcist III (1990) - 4K UHD limited edition - hvis Boormans livtag med Eksorcisten-franchiset ofte regnes som seriens svageste film, så er der til gengæld bred enighed om, at William Peter Blattys Eksorcisten III er en af de bedste. Ja, nogle mener endda, at den er fuldt på højde med originale, hvis ikke endda bedre.
Her er der tale om en ren 4K-opgradering af den limited edition, Arrow allerede har udsendt på BD for flere år siden.
Man får selvfølgelig igen både filmens biografudgave og den længere "director's cut," hvor man har forsøgt at genskabe filmen så godt som muligt i forhold til Blattys oprindelige planer for den.
Original theatrical 2.0 stereo audio on both cuts and optional 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio for the theatrical cut
Optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing
Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Richard Wells
Illustrated collector's booklet featuring writing on the film by Lee Gambin, archival articles and reviews
DISC ONE - THEATRICAL CUT (4K ULTRA HD BLU-RAY)4K restoration of the theatrical cut of The Exorcist III, presented in presented on 4K Ultra HD (2160p) Blu-ray in Dolby Vision (HDR10 compatible)
Audio commentary by critics Alexandra Heller Nicholas and Josh Nelson
Audio interview with writer/director William Peter Blatty
Death, Be Not Proud: The Making of The Exorcist III, an in-depth 2016 documentary divided into five chapters: Chapter One: A "Wonderfull" Time, an interview with producer Carter DeHaven and members of the supporting cast and production crew; Chapter Two: Signs of the Gemini, an interview with actor Brad Dourif; Chapter Three: The Devil in the Details, an interview with production designer Leslie Dilley and more; Chapter Four: Music for a Padded Cell, an interview with composer Barry DeVorzon; Chapter Five: All This Bleeding, interviews about the additional shoot and special effects
The Exorcist III: Vintage Interviews, archival interviews with cast and crew members including William Peter Blatty, producer James Robinson, actors George C. Scott, Jason Miller, Grand L. Bush and Ed Flanders
Falling Down a Long Flight of Steps, an interview with special effects artist Randy Moore
The Exorcist III: Vintage Featurette, making-of documentary with on-set footage and interviews
Deleted scenes, alternate takes and bloopers
Image galleries
Trailers, TV spots and radio spots
High Definition Blu-ray (1080p) presentation of the Legion director's cut, assembled from the best available film and video elements
Legion audio commentary with esteemed film critics Mark Kermode and Kim Newman
Deleted Prologue, an alternate opening to Legion with optional audio commentary from Mark Kermode and Kim Newman
Igen får man et limited edition hæfte og slipcover med.
The Exorcist III limited edition udkommer på 4K UHD i UK den 7. oktober. Arrow udgiver samtidigt en alternativ webstore exclusive-version med filmens originale biografplakat på slipcoveret.
US/ CAN - Hellraiser: Quartet of Torment - 4 x 4K UHD limited edition/ 4 x BD limited edition/ 4 x 4K UHD webstore exclusive limited edition - den flotte Hellraiser: Quartet of Torment-digipak var en af sidste års største udgivelser for Arrow med sine flotte nye transfers af de fire første Hellraiser-film og en eksklusiv bog med masser af materiale fra Clive Barkers personlige arkiv. Den blev da også lynhurtigt udsolgt, næsten inden den nåede at udkomme, fordi den i første omgang kun udkom i UK.
Men ligesom med Arrows gamle Hellraiser-boks, så er det åbenbart alligevel lykkedes dem at skaffe de amerikanske og canadiske rettighederne til filmene her et år efter, og derfor får alle dem, der ikke fik fat i boksen oprindeligt nu endnu en chance.
Brand new 4K restorations of all four films from the original camera negatives by Arrow Films
Ultra High Definition (2160p) presentations of all four films in Dolby Vision (HDR10 compatible)
Original lossless stereo and DTS-HD MA 5.1 surround audio for all four films
Optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing
Ages of Desire, an exclusive 200-page hardback book with new writing from Clive Barker archivists Phil and Sarah Stokes
Limited edition layered packaging featuring brand new Pinhead artwork
DISC 1 HELLRAISERBrand new audio commentary featuring genre historian (and unit publicist of Hellraiser) Stephen Jones with author and film critic Kim Newman
Archival audio commentary with writer/director Clive Barker and actor Ashley Laurence, moderated by Peter Atkins
Archival audio commentary with writer/director Clive Barker
Power of Imagination – brand new 60-minute discussion about Hellraiser and the work of Clive Barker by film scholars Sorcha Ní Fhlainn (editor of Clive Barker: Dark Imaginer) and Karmel Kniprath
Unboxing Hellraiser – brand new visual essay celebrating the Lament Configuration by genre author Alexandra Benedict (The Beauty of Murder)
The Pursuit of Possibilities – brand new 60-minute discussion between acclaimed horror authors Paula D. Ashe (We Are Here To Hurt Each Other) and Eric LaRocca (Everything the Dark Eats) celebrating the queerness of Hellraiser and the importance of Clive Barker as a queer writer
Flesh is a Trap – brand new visual essay exploring body horror and transcendence in the work of Clive Barker by genre author Guy Adams (The World House)
Newly uncovered extended EPK interviews with Clive Barker and stars Andrew Robinson, Clare Higgins, Ashley Laurence, and effects artist Bob Keen, shot during the making of Hellraiser, with a new introduction by Stephen Jones and Kim Newman
Original 1987 Electronic Press Kit
Being Frank: Sean Chapman on Hellraiser – archival interview with the actor
Under the Skin: Doug Bradley on Hellraiser – archival interview with the iconic actor about his first appearance as ‘Pinhead’
Soundtrack Hell: The Story of the Abandoned Coil Score – archival interview with Coil member Stephen Thrower
Trailers and TV spots
Image gallery
Draft screenplays
DISC 2 HELLBOUND: HELLRAISER IIBrand new audio commentary featuring Stephen Jones and Kim Newman
Archival audio commentary with director Tony Randel, writer Peter Atkins and actor Ashley Laurence
Audio commentary with director Tony Randel and writer Peter Atkins
Hell Was What They Wanted! – brand new 80-minute appreciation of Hellbound, the Hellraiser mythos and the work of Clive Barker by horror authors George Daniel Lea (Born in Blood) and Kit Power (The Finite)
That Rat-Slice Sound – brand new appreciation of composer Christopher Young’s scores for Hellraiser and Hellbound: Hellraiser II by Guy Adams
Archival on-set interview with Clive Barker
Archival on-set interview with cast and crew
Behind the scenes footage
Being Frank: Sean Chapman on Hellbound – archival interview about the actor’s return to the role of Frank Cotton
Under the Skin: Doug Bradley on Hellbound – archival interview with the iconic actor about his second appearance as ‘Pinhead’
Lost in the Labyrinth – archival featurette featuring interviews with Barker, Randel, Keen, Atkins and others
Trailers and TV spots
Image gallery
DISC 3 HELLRAISER III: HELL ON EARTHAlternative Unrated version (contains standard definition inserts)
Brand new audio commentary featuring Stephen Jones and Kim Newman
Archival audio commentary with screenwriter Peter Atkins (Theatrical Cut only)
Archival audio commentary with director Anthony Hickox and actor Doug Bradley (Unrated Version only)
Previously unseen extended EPK featuring interviews with Clive Barker and Doug Bradley
FX dailies
Time with Terri – archival interview with actor Paula Marshall
Raising Hell on Earth – archival interview with director Anthony Hickox
Under the Skin: Doug Bradley on Hellraiser III – archival interview with the iconic actor about his third appearance as ‘Pinhead’
Theatrical trailer
Image gallery
DISC 4 HELLRAISER: BLOODLINEBrand new audio commentary featuring screenwriter Peter Atkins, with Stephen Jones and Kim Newman
The Beauty of Suffering – brand new featurette exploring the Cenobites' connection to goth, fetish cultures and BDSM
Newly uncovered workprint version of the film, providing a fascinating insight into how it changed during post production
Hellraiser Evolutions – archival documentary on the evolution of the franchise and its enduring legacy, featuring interviews with Scott Derrickson (director, Hellraiser: Inferno), Rick Bota (director, Hellraiser: Hellseeker, Deader and Hellworld), Stuart Gordon (director, Re-Animator, From Beyond) and others
Books of Blood and Beyond: The Literary Works of Clive Barker – archival appreciation by horror author David Gatwalk of Barker’s written work, from The Books of Blood to The Scarlet Gospels
Theatrical trailer
Image gallery
Easter egg
Det hele kommer i en flot digipak. Hvis man ikke er interesseret bogen eller digipak-indpakningen, så kan man dog allerede nu købe en billigere boks bare med filmene hos Arrow i UK.
Ligesom sidste års engelske udgivelse, så kommer der tre forskellige versioner - der er en 4K UHD limited edition og en limited edition kun med blu-ray, og så er der en tredje webstore exclusive version med et andet cover. Den sidste kan kun bestilles hos Arrows egen amerikanske webshop, mens de andre kan købes hos de fleste amerikanske forhandlere.
Hellraiser: Quartet of Torment udkommer på 4K UHD og BD i USA og Canada den 22. oktober.
UK/ US/ CAN - Trick 'r Treat (2007) - 4K UHD limited edition/ 4K UHD webstore exclusive limited edition - horrorfilmen Trick 'r Treat blev nærmest med det samme til en nyklassiker ved premieren og med sin veldrejede blanding af humor og skræk hyldes ofte som en af de bedste moderne antologifilm i genren.
Filmen har fået et nyt 4K-transfer, og Arrow genbruger alle extras fra de gamle blu-ray-udgivelser. Den limited edition har desuden et limited slipcover, en plakat, seks postkort og et hæfte. Flere extras vil blive afsløret senere.
Brand new 4K restoration by Arrow Films, approved by writer-director Michael Dougherty
4K Ultra HD (2160p) Blu-ray presentation in Dolby Vision (HDR10 compatible)
Original DTS-HD MA 5.1 surround and 2.0 stereo audio
Optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing
Archival audio commentary by Michael Dougherty, conceptual artist Breehn Burns, storyboard artist Simeon Wilkins and composer Douglas Pipes
Tales of Folklore & Fright, an archival featurette with Michael Dougherty, Breehn Burns and Simeon Wilkins
Tales of Mischief & Mayhem: Filming Trick 'r Treat, an archival interview with Michael Dougherty on the making of the film
Sounds of Shock & Superstition: Scoring Trick 'r Treat, an archival featurette with Michael Dougherty and Douglas Pipes
Tales of Dread & Despair: Releasing Trick 'r Treat, an archival featurette with Michael Dougherty and Rob Galluzzo of the Shock Waves podcast, exploring the film's release and fandom
Season's Greetings, a short film from 1996 directed by Michael Dougherty with optional director commentary
The Lore and Legends of Halloween, an archival featurette narrated by actor Brian Cox
School bus VFX comparison
Additional scenes
FEARnet promos
Sam O'Lantern
Storyboard and conceptual artwork gallery
Behind the scenes gallery
Monster Mash comic book set in the Trick 'r Treat universe
Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Sara Deck
Double-sided foldout poster featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Sara Deck
Six postcard-sized artcards
Illustrated collector's booklet featuring new writing on the film by Becky Darke and Heather Wixson
And more extras to be confirmed
Trick 'r Treat kan fås både som 4K UHD limited edition og som en webstore exclusive 4K UHD limited edition med den originale biografplakat på slipcoveret. Den udkommer i UK, USA og Canada den 28. oktober.
UK/ US/ CAN - J-Horror Rising (1999-2007) - 4 x BD limited edition boks - asiatisk og især japansk horror væltede pludseligt ind i vesten i årene omkring årtusindskiftet og vakte stor begejstring både med deres effektive tilgang til genren og deres frisk udvalg af myter og historier. Film som Hideo Nakats Ring (1998) og Takashi Miiks Audition (1999) vakte først opsigt hos kunstfilmpublikummet, men krydsede hurtigt over til den brede mainstream, og asiatisk horror i almindelighed og japansk horror i særdeleshed dominerede genren i årtusindets første årti sammen med de vestlige torturfilm, før interessen ebbede ud og blev udskiftet med found footage i starten af 2010'erne.
Arrow har for længst udsendt de japanske hovedværker på blu-ray og endda opgraderet enkelte af dem, som netop Nakatas Ring, samme instruktørs Dark Water og Takashi Shimizus Ju-on-serie på 4K indenfor det sidste halvandet til to år. Men vi mangler stadigvæk at få mange af de mindre kendte film på blu-ray.
De har ofte været udgivet på dvd af selskaber som Tartan, der var store i dvd-tiden, men som ikke længere eksisterer, eller kun eksisterer som skygger af dem selv.
Arrow samler med denne boks syv mindre japanske horrorfilm fra perioden, som alle her for første gang udkommer i HD i vesten og flere af dem for første gang på disk overhovedet.
Boksen indeholder filmene: Shikoku (1999), Isola: Multiple Personality Girl (1999), Inugami (2000), St. John's Wort (2001), Carved: The Slit Mouthed Woman (2007), Persona (2001) og Noroi: The Curse (2005).
Mest kendte er nok St. John's Wort og Carved: The Slit Mouthed Woman, der begge fik flere dvd-udgivelser og begge nok bedst kan beskrives som blød mellemvare. Boksens store sensation er dog Noroi: The Curse. Det er en found footage-horrorfilm om en journalist, der forsvinder kort efter at have færdiggjort en dokumentarfilm om et dæmonisk væsen i en afsidesliggende landsby i Japan.
Instruktøren Kôji Shiraishi har også instrueret Carved: The Slit Mouthed Woman, men han omtales ofte for en lille stribe af effektive found footage-film, han lavede, med Noroi: The Curse som nok den mest kendte og måske bedste. Hverken Noroi: The Curse eller hans andre found footage-film har dog nogensinde været udsendt på disk i vesten, og de kendes mest fra ulovlige tjenester og, i Norois tilfælde, fra en meget eftertragtet engelskvenlig dvd-udgivelse i Asien. Derfor har Noroi: The Curse også i årevis været blandt de titler, man stort set altid ser nogen foreslå, når labels spørger deres kunder om, hvilke titler de gerne vil se fra dem.
Boksen indeholder naturligvis en del extras, en plakat og et hæfte med essays. Ingen af filmene ser ud til at have fået nye transfers, så man skal nok ikke forvente det store. Til gengæld er boksen billig - kun £45 for den engelske udgave.
High Definition (1080p) Blu-ray presentations of all seven films
Original lossless 5.1 and lossless stereo sound options for Shikoku, Isola: Multiple Personality Girl, Inugami, St. John's Wort, Carved: The Slit-Mouthed Woman and Noroi: The Curse, and original lossless stereo audio for Persona
Optional English subtitles for each film
Illustrated collector's booklet featuring new writing by Eugene Thacker, Jasper Sharp, Anton Bitel, Amber T., Mark Player, Jim Harper and Sarah Appleton
Double-sided foldout poster featuring newly commissioned artwork by John Conlon
Limited Edition packaging featuring newly commissioned artwork by John Conlon
DISC ONE: SHIKOKU / ISOLA: MULTIPLE PERSONALITY GIRLBrand new audio commentary on Shikoku by Japanese cinema expert Tom Mes
Brand new audio commentary on Isola: Multiple Personality Girl by critics and Japanese cinema experts Jasper Sharp and Amber T.
The Aftermath, Tom Mes discusses J-Horror at the turn of the millennium
Something in the Water, a brand new interview with Shikoku director Shunichi Nagasaki
Archive interviews with director Shunichi Nagasaki and actors Chiaki Kuriyama and Yui Natsukawa on Shikoku
Archive interview with actors Yoshino Kimura and Yu Kurosawa on Isola: Multiple Personality Girl
On-set footage of the filming of Shikoku
Original trailers and TV spots for both films
Image galleries
DISC TWO: INUGAMI / ST. JOHN'S WORTBrand new audio commentary on Inugami by Japanese cinema expert Jonathan Clements
Brand new audio commentary on St. John's Wort by Japanese cinema expert Amber T.
Dog Days, brand new video interview with Inugami director Masato Harada
The Making of St. John's Wort, archival featurette
Archive interviews with St. John's Wort actors Megumi Okina, Koichiro Saito, Reiko Matsuo and Koji Okura
On-set behind-the-scenes footage of the filming of St. John's Wort
Original trailers and TV spots for St. John's Wort
Image galleries for both films
DISC THREE: CARVED: THE SLIT-MOUTHED WOMAN / PERSONABrand new audio commentary on Carved: The Slit-Mouthed Woman by Japanese folklore expert Zack Davisson
Why So Serious?, a brand new interview with Carved: The Slit-Mouthed Woman director Koji Shiraishi
Weapon of Choice, a brand new video essay on Carved: The Slit-Mouthed Woman by Japanese horror specialist Lindsay Nelson
Confessions of a Mask, a brand new interview with Persona director Takashi Komatsu
Image galleries for both films
DISC FOUR: NOROI: THE CURSEBrand new audio commentary by film critic Julian Singleton
Director's POV, a brand new video interview with Noroi: The Curse director Koji Shiraishi
The Man in the Shadows, a brand new interview with Noroi: The Curse producer Taka Ichise
Changing Perspective, a brand new video essay on Noroi: The Curse by Japanese horror specialist Lindsay Nelson
Ectoplasmic Worms, a brand new video essay on Noroi: The Curse and Japanese cosmic horror by Japanese cinema expert Amber T.
How to Protect Yourself Against Curses
Urgent report! Pursuing the Truth about Kagutaba!! TV Special
Over half an hour of deleted scenes
Trailers and TV spots
Image gallery
J-Horror Rising udkommer som limited edition boks på BD i både UK, USA og Canada den 28. oktober.
Arrow har annonceret deres udgivelser i oktober i dag, og der er både nogle opgraderinger og en lidt spændende nyhed på vej.
UK - Exorcist II: The Heretic (1977) 2 x BD limited edition - få film har nok skuffet så mange som John Boormans udskældte opfølger til William Friedkins blockbuster-succes The Exorcist (1973). Produktionen rendte ind i en masse problemer undervejs, og de fleste er i dag enige om, at resultatet bare ikke er særligt godt.
Det er efterhånden seks år siden, at Shout! Factory udsendte en collector's edition på BD i USA, der gav mulighed for at reevaluere filmen, og nu kommer Arrow så endeligt med deres bud på en udgivelse.
Arrows udgave indeholder ligesom SF's gamle udgivelse to versioner af filmen - den originale 118 minutter udgave, der blev vist ved den amerikanske biografpremiere, og den 103 minutter lange international version.
Alle extras fra Shout! Factorys udgivelse er blevet overført, og Arrow har desuden tilføjet to nye kommentarspor, hvoraf det ene bl.a. er med filmhistorikeren Lee Gambin, der døde for nylig.
High Definition (1080p) Blu-ray presentations of the 118-minute Original Premiere Version and the 103-minute International Version
Original lossless mono audio
Optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing
Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Peter Savieri
Illustrated collector's booklet featuring new writing by film critics Alexandra Heller-Nicholas, Glenn Kenny and Matt Rogerson, plus an archival interview with cinematographer William Fraker
DISC ONE - ORIGINAL PREMIERE VERSIONNew commentary by film historian Lee Gambin and filmmaker David Kittredge, director of the forthcoming feature-length Exorcist II documentary, Heretics
New audio commentary by screenwriter and author Kelly Goodner and film historian Jim Hemphill
Archive audio commentary with director John Boorman
Archive audio commentary with special consultant Scott Michael Bosco
It's Okay, He's Gone, a new visual essay by film critics BJ and Harmony Colangelo
What Does She Remember?, an archive interview with actress with Linda Blair
Archive interview with editor Tom Priestley
Theatrical trailer
Teaser trailer
Extensive image galleries
DISC TWO - INTERNATIONAL VERSIONArchive audio commentary by film critic Mike White of The Projection Booth podcast
Theatrical trailer
Der medfølger et limited edition slipcover og hæfte.
Exorcist II: The Heretic limited edition udkommer på BD i UK den 7. oktober.
UK - The Exorcist III (1990) - 4K UHD limited edition - hvis Boormans livtag med Eksorcisten-franchiset ofte regnes som seriens svageste film, så er der til gengæld bred enighed om, at William Peter Blattys Eksorcisten III er en af de bedste. Ja, nogle mener endda, at den er fuldt på højde med originale, hvis ikke endda bedre.
Her er der tale om en ren 4K-opgradering af den limited edition, Arrow allerede har udsendt på BD for flere år siden.
Man får selvfølgelig igen både filmens biografudgave og den længere "director's cut," hvor man har forsøgt at genskabe filmen så godt som muligt i forhold til Blattys oprindelige planer for den.
Original theatrical 2.0 stereo audio on both cuts and optional 5.1 DTS-HD Master Audio for the theatrical cut
Optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing
Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Richard Wells
Illustrated collector's booklet featuring writing on the film by Lee Gambin, archival articles and reviews
DISC ONE - THEATRICAL CUT (4K ULTRA HD BLU-RAY)4K restoration of the theatrical cut of The Exorcist III, presented in presented on 4K Ultra HD (2160p) Blu-ray in Dolby Vision (HDR10 compatible)
Audio commentary by critics Alexandra Heller Nicholas and Josh Nelson
Audio interview with writer/director William Peter Blatty
Death, Be Not Proud: The Making of The Exorcist III, an in-depth 2016 documentary divided into five chapters: Chapter One: A "Wonderfull" Time, an interview with producer Carter DeHaven and members of the supporting cast and production crew; Chapter Two: Signs of the Gemini, an interview with actor Brad Dourif; Chapter Three: The Devil in the Details, an interview with production designer Leslie Dilley and more; Chapter Four: Music for a Padded Cell, an interview with composer Barry DeVorzon; Chapter Five: All This Bleeding, interviews about the additional shoot and special effects
The Exorcist III: Vintage Interviews, archival interviews with cast and crew members including William Peter Blatty, producer James Robinson, actors George C. Scott, Jason Miller, Grand L. Bush and Ed Flanders
Falling Down a Long Flight of Steps, an interview with special effects artist Randy Moore
The Exorcist III: Vintage Featurette, making-of documentary with on-set footage and interviews
Deleted scenes, alternate takes and bloopers
Image galleries
Trailers, TV spots and radio spots
High Definition Blu-ray (1080p) presentation of the Legion director's cut, assembled from the best available film and video elements
Legion audio commentary with esteemed film critics Mark Kermode and Kim Newman
Deleted Prologue, an alternate opening to Legion with optional audio commentary from Mark Kermode and Kim Newman
Igen får man et limited edition hæfte og slipcover med.
The Exorcist III limited edition udkommer på 4K UHD i UK den 7. oktober. Arrow udgiver samtidigt en alternativ webstore exclusive-version med filmens originale biografplakat på slipcoveret.
US/ CAN - Hellraiser: Quartet of Torment - 4 x 4K UHD limited edition/ 4 x BD limited edition/ 4 x 4K UHD webstore exclusive limited edition - den flotte Hellraiser: Quartet of Torment-digipak var en af sidste års største udgivelser for Arrow med sine flotte nye transfers af de fire første Hellraiser-film og en eksklusiv bog med masser af materiale fra Clive Barkers personlige arkiv. Den blev da også lynhurtigt udsolgt, næsten inden den nåede at udkomme, fordi den i første omgang kun udkom i UK.
Men ligesom med Arrows gamle Hellraiser-boks, så er det åbenbart alligevel lykkedes dem at skaffe de amerikanske og canadiske rettighederne til filmene her et år efter, og derfor får alle dem, der ikke fik fat i boksen oprindeligt nu endnu en chance.
Brand new 4K restorations of all four films from the original camera negatives by Arrow Films
Ultra High Definition (2160p) presentations of all four films in Dolby Vision (HDR10 compatible)
Original lossless stereo and DTS-HD MA 5.1 surround audio for all four films
Optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing
Ages of Desire, an exclusive 200-page hardback book with new writing from Clive Barker archivists Phil and Sarah Stokes
Limited edition layered packaging featuring brand new Pinhead artwork
DISC 1 HELLRAISERBrand new audio commentary featuring genre historian (and unit publicist of Hellraiser) Stephen Jones with author and film critic Kim Newman
Archival audio commentary with writer/director Clive Barker and actor Ashley Laurence, moderated by Peter Atkins
Archival audio commentary with writer/director Clive Barker
Power of Imagination – brand new 60-minute discussion about Hellraiser and the work of Clive Barker by film scholars Sorcha Ní Fhlainn (editor of Clive Barker: Dark Imaginer) and Karmel Kniprath
Unboxing Hellraiser – brand new visual essay celebrating the Lament Configuration by genre author Alexandra Benedict (The Beauty of Murder)
The Pursuit of Possibilities – brand new 60-minute discussion between acclaimed horror authors Paula D. Ashe (We Are Here To Hurt Each Other) and Eric LaRocca (Everything the Dark Eats) celebrating the queerness of Hellraiser and the importance of Clive Barker as a queer writer
Flesh is a Trap – brand new visual essay exploring body horror and transcendence in the work of Clive Barker by genre author Guy Adams (The World House)
Newly uncovered extended EPK interviews with Clive Barker and stars Andrew Robinson, Clare Higgins, Ashley Laurence, and effects artist Bob Keen, shot during the making of Hellraiser, with a new introduction by Stephen Jones and Kim Newman
Original 1987 Electronic Press Kit
Being Frank: Sean Chapman on Hellraiser – archival interview with the actor
Under the Skin: Doug Bradley on Hellraiser – archival interview with the iconic actor about his first appearance as ‘Pinhead’
Soundtrack Hell: The Story of the Abandoned Coil Score – archival interview with Coil member Stephen Thrower
Trailers and TV spots
Image gallery
Draft screenplays
DISC 2 HELLBOUND: HELLRAISER IIBrand new audio commentary featuring Stephen Jones and Kim Newman
Archival audio commentary with director Tony Randel, writer Peter Atkins and actor Ashley Laurence
Audio commentary with director Tony Randel and writer Peter Atkins
Hell Was What They Wanted! – brand new 80-minute appreciation of Hellbound, the Hellraiser mythos and the work of Clive Barker by horror authors George Daniel Lea (Born in Blood) and Kit Power (The Finite)
That Rat-Slice Sound – brand new appreciation of composer Christopher Young’s scores for Hellraiser and Hellbound: Hellraiser II by Guy Adams
Archival on-set interview with Clive Barker
Archival on-set interview with cast and crew
Behind the scenes footage
Being Frank: Sean Chapman on Hellbound – archival interview about the actor’s return to the role of Frank Cotton
Under the Skin: Doug Bradley on Hellbound – archival interview with the iconic actor about his second appearance as ‘Pinhead’
Lost in the Labyrinth – archival featurette featuring interviews with Barker, Randel, Keen, Atkins and others
Trailers and TV spots
Image gallery
DISC 3 HELLRAISER III: HELL ON EARTHAlternative Unrated version (contains standard definition inserts)
Brand new audio commentary featuring Stephen Jones and Kim Newman
Archival audio commentary with screenwriter Peter Atkins (Theatrical Cut only)
Archival audio commentary with director Anthony Hickox and actor Doug Bradley (Unrated Version only)
Previously unseen extended EPK featuring interviews with Clive Barker and Doug Bradley
FX dailies
Time with Terri – archival interview with actor Paula Marshall
Raising Hell on Earth – archival interview with director Anthony Hickox
Under the Skin: Doug Bradley on Hellraiser III – archival interview with the iconic actor about his third appearance as ‘Pinhead’
Theatrical trailer
Image gallery
DISC 4 HELLRAISER: BLOODLINEBrand new audio commentary featuring screenwriter Peter Atkins, with Stephen Jones and Kim Newman
The Beauty of Suffering – brand new featurette exploring the Cenobites' connection to goth, fetish cultures and BDSM
Newly uncovered workprint version of the film, providing a fascinating insight into how it changed during post production
Hellraiser Evolutions – archival documentary on the evolution of the franchise and its enduring legacy, featuring interviews with Scott Derrickson (director, Hellraiser: Inferno), Rick Bota (director, Hellraiser: Hellseeker, Deader and Hellworld), Stuart Gordon (director, Re-Animator, From Beyond) and others
Books of Blood and Beyond: The Literary Works of Clive Barker – archival appreciation by horror author David Gatwalk of Barker’s written work, from The Books of Blood to The Scarlet Gospels
Theatrical trailer
Image gallery
Easter egg
Det hele kommer i en flot digipak. Hvis man ikke er interesseret bogen eller digipak-indpakningen, så kan man dog allerede nu købe en billigere boks bare med filmene hos Arrow i UK.
Ligesom sidste års engelske udgivelse, så kommer der tre forskellige versioner - der er en 4K UHD limited edition og en limited edition kun med blu-ray, og så er der en tredje webstore exclusive version med et andet cover. Den sidste kan kun bestilles hos Arrows egen amerikanske webshop, mens de andre kan købes hos de fleste amerikanske forhandlere.
Hellraiser: Quartet of Torment udkommer på 4K UHD og BD i USA og Canada den 22. oktober.
UK/ US/ CAN - Trick 'r Treat (2007) - 4K UHD limited edition/ 4K UHD webstore exclusive limited edition - horrorfilmen Trick 'r Treat blev nærmest med det samme til en nyklassiker ved premieren og med sin veldrejede blanding af humor og skræk hyldes ofte som en af de bedste moderne antologifilm i genren.
Filmen har fået et nyt 4K-transfer, og Arrow genbruger alle extras fra de gamle blu-ray-udgivelser. Den limited edition har desuden et limited slipcover, en plakat, seks postkort og et hæfte. Flere extras vil blive afsløret senere.
Brand new 4K restoration by Arrow Films, approved by writer-director Michael Dougherty
4K Ultra HD (2160p) Blu-ray presentation in Dolby Vision (HDR10 compatible)
Original DTS-HD MA 5.1 surround and 2.0 stereo audio
Optional English subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing
Archival audio commentary by Michael Dougherty, conceptual artist Breehn Burns, storyboard artist Simeon Wilkins and composer Douglas Pipes
Tales of Folklore & Fright, an archival featurette with Michael Dougherty, Breehn Burns and Simeon Wilkins
Tales of Mischief & Mayhem: Filming Trick 'r Treat, an archival interview with Michael Dougherty on the making of the film
Sounds of Shock & Superstition: Scoring Trick 'r Treat, an archival featurette with Michael Dougherty and Douglas Pipes
Tales of Dread & Despair: Releasing Trick 'r Treat, an archival featurette with Michael Dougherty and Rob Galluzzo of the Shock Waves podcast, exploring the film's release and fandom
Season's Greetings, a short film from 1996 directed by Michael Dougherty with optional director commentary
The Lore and Legends of Halloween, an archival featurette narrated by actor Brian Cox
School bus VFX comparison
Additional scenes
FEARnet promos
Sam O'Lantern
Storyboard and conceptual artwork gallery
Behind the scenes gallery
Monster Mash comic book set in the Trick 'r Treat universe
Reversible sleeve featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Sara Deck
Double-sided foldout poster featuring original and newly commissioned artwork by Sara Deck
Six postcard-sized artcards
Illustrated collector's booklet featuring new writing on the film by Becky Darke and Heather Wixson
And more extras to be confirmed
Trick 'r Treat kan fås både som 4K UHD limited edition og som en webstore exclusive 4K UHD limited edition med den originale biografplakat på slipcoveret. Den udkommer i UK, USA og Canada den 28. oktober.
UK/ US/ CAN - J-Horror Rising (1999-2007) - 4 x BD limited edition boks - asiatisk og især japansk horror væltede pludseligt ind i vesten i årene omkring årtusindskiftet og vakte stor begejstring både med deres effektive tilgang til genren og deres frisk udvalg af myter og historier. Film som Hideo Nakats Ring (1998) og Takashi Miiks Audition (1999) vakte først opsigt hos kunstfilmpublikummet, men krydsede hurtigt over til den brede mainstream, og asiatisk horror i almindelighed og japansk horror i særdeleshed dominerede genren i årtusindets første årti sammen med de vestlige torturfilm, før interessen ebbede ud og blev udskiftet med found footage i starten af 2010'erne.
Arrow har for længst udsendt de japanske hovedværker på blu-ray og endda opgraderet enkelte af dem, som netop Nakatas Ring, samme instruktørs Dark Water og Takashi Shimizus Ju-on-serie på 4K indenfor det sidste halvandet til to år. Men vi mangler stadigvæk at få mange af de mindre kendte film på blu-ray.
De har ofte været udgivet på dvd af selskaber som Tartan, der var store i dvd-tiden, men som ikke længere eksisterer, eller kun eksisterer som skygger af dem selv.
Arrow samler med denne boks syv mindre japanske horrorfilm fra perioden, som alle her for første gang udkommer i HD i vesten og flere af dem for første gang på disk overhovedet.
Boksen indeholder filmene: Shikoku (1999), Isola: Multiple Personality Girl (1999), Inugami (2000), St. John's Wort (2001), Carved: The Slit Mouthed Woman (2007), Persona (2001) og Noroi: The Curse (2005).
Mest kendte er nok St. John's Wort og Carved: The Slit Mouthed Woman, der begge fik flere dvd-udgivelser og begge nok bedst kan beskrives som blød mellemvare. Boksens store sensation er dog Noroi: The Curse. Det er en found footage-horrorfilm om en journalist, der forsvinder kort efter at have færdiggjort en dokumentarfilm om et dæmonisk væsen i en afsidesliggende landsby i Japan.
Instruktøren Kôji Shiraishi har også instrueret Carved: The Slit Mouthed Woman, men han omtales ofte for en lille stribe af effektive found footage-film, han lavede, med Noroi: The Curse som nok den mest kendte og måske bedste. Hverken Noroi: The Curse eller hans andre found footage-film har dog nogensinde været udsendt på disk i vesten, og de kendes mest fra ulovlige tjenester og, i Norois tilfælde, fra en meget eftertragtet engelskvenlig dvd-udgivelse i Asien. Derfor har Noroi: The Curse også i årevis været blandt de titler, man stort set altid ser nogen foreslå, når labels spørger deres kunder om, hvilke titler de gerne vil se fra dem.
Boksen indeholder naturligvis en del extras, en plakat og et hæfte med essays. Ingen af filmene ser ud til at have fået nye transfers, så man skal nok ikke forvente det store. Til gengæld er boksen billig - kun £45 for den engelske udgave.
High Definition (1080p) Blu-ray presentations of all seven films
Original lossless 5.1 and lossless stereo sound options for Shikoku, Isola: Multiple Personality Girl, Inugami, St. John's Wort, Carved: The Slit-Mouthed Woman and Noroi: The Curse, and original lossless stereo audio for Persona
Optional English subtitles for each film
Illustrated collector's booklet featuring new writing by Eugene Thacker, Jasper Sharp, Anton Bitel, Amber T., Mark Player, Jim Harper and Sarah Appleton
Double-sided foldout poster featuring newly commissioned artwork by John Conlon
Limited Edition packaging featuring newly commissioned artwork by John Conlon
DISC ONE: SHIKOKU / ISOLA: MULTIPLE PERSONALITY GIRLBrand new audio commentary on Shikoku by Japanese cinema expert Tom Mes
Brand new audio commentary on Isola: Multiple Personality Girl by critics and Japanese cinema experts Jasper Sharp and Amber T.
The Aftermath, Tom Mes discusses J-Horror at the turn of the millennium
Something in the Water, a brand new interview with Shikoku director Shunichi Nagasaki
Archive interviews with director Shunichi Nagasaki and actors Chiaki Kuriyama and Yui Natsukawa on Shikoku
Archive interview with actors Yoshino Kimura and Yu Kurosawa on Isola: Multiple Personality Girl
On-set footage of the filming of Shikoku
Original trailers and TV spots for both films
Image galleries
DISC TWO: INUGAMI / ST. JOHN'S WORTBrand new audio commentary on Inugami by Japanese cinema expert Jonathan Clements
Brand new audio commentary on St. John's Wort by Japanese cinema expert Amber T.
Dog Days, brand new video interview with Inugami director Masato Harada
The Making of St. John's Wort, archival featurette
Archive interviews with St. John's Wort actors Megumi Okina, Koichiro Saito, Reiko Matsuo and Koji Okura
On-set behind-the-scenes footage of the filming of St. John's Wort
Original trailers and TV spots for St. John's Wort
Image galleries for both films
DISC THREE: CARVED: THE SLIT-MOUTHED WOMAN / PERSONABrand new audio commentary on Carved: The Slit-Mouthed Woman by Japanese folklore expert Zack Davisson
Why So Serious?, a brand new interview with Carved: The Slit-Mouthed Woman director Koji Shiraishi
Weapon of Choice, a brand new video essay on Carved: The Slit-Mouthed Woman by Japanese horror specialist Lindsay Nelson
Confessions of a Mask, a brand new interview with Persona director Takashi Komatsu
Image galleries for both films
DISC FOUR: NOROI: THE CURSEBrand new audio commentary by film critic Julian Singleton
Director's POV, a brand new video interview with Noroi: The Curse director Koji Shiraishi
The Man in the Shadows, a brand new interview with Noroi: The Curse producer Taka Ichise
Changing Perspective, a brand new video essay on Noroi: The Curse by Japanese horror specialist Lindsay Nelson
Ectoplasmic Worms, a brand new video essay on Noroi: The Curse and Japanese cosmic horror by Japanese cinema expert Amber T.
How to Protect Yourself Against Curses
Urgent report! Pursuing the Truth about Kagutaba!! TV Special
Over half an hour of deleted scenes
Trailers and TV spots
Image gallery
J-Horror Rising udkommer som limited edition boks på BD i både UK, USA og Canada den 28. oktober.