Snakker vi verdensplan eller USA?
Pretty in Pink?
Crocodile Dundee?
The Money Pit?
Golden Child?
Crocodile Dundee er korrekt.
Snakker vi verdensplan eller USA?
Pretty in Pink?
Crocodile Dundee?
The Money Pit?
Golden Child?
Crocodile Dundee er korrekt.
Whispering Horse 5-11-18 20:44
1. Top Gun (MadMartigan)
2. Crocodile Dundee (Åkepool)
Whispering Horse 5-11-18 20:45
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
Karate Kid 2
David Lund 5-11-18 21:26
MadMartigan 5-11-18 22:01
The Colour of money?
Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
Karate Kid 2
4. Karate Kid 2 er korrekt.
Whispering Horse 6-11-18 18:37
3. Er korrekt.
Whispering Horse 6-11-18 18:37
The Colour of money?
Ingen af dem er korrekte.
Whispering Horse 6-11-18 18:38
1. Top Gun (MadMartigan)
2. Crocodile Dundee (Åkepool)
3. Platoon (MadMartigan)
4. Karate Kid 2 (David Lund)
Whispering Horse 6-11-18 18:39
Skal nok hjælpes.
Steffan Rasmussen11-11-18 21:14
Nummer 5 er instrueret af en person som mest er kendt for sit skuespil og som selv medvirker i filmen.
Nummer 6 har en ung Robert Downey Jr. med i sit cast.
Whispering Horse11-11-18 21:34
Nummer 5 er en del af en filmserie.
Nummer 6 er instrueret af Alan Metter
Whispering Horse13-11-18 19:11
5 Beverly Hills cop?
MadMartigan13-11-18 20:12
5. En af Star Trek filmene (Nimoy)?
Steffan Rasmussen13-11-18 21:48
5. En af Star Trek filmene (Nimoy)?
Korrekt. Det er Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home.
Whispering Horse13-11-18 21:53
1. Top Gun (MadMartigan)
2. Crocodile Dundee (Åkepool)
3. Platoon (MadMartigan)
4. Karate Kid 2 (David Lund)
5. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (Steffan Rasmussen)
Whispering Horse13-11-18 21:55
Rodney Dangerfield har hovedrollen i filmen og Danny Elfman står bag musikken til filmen.
Whispering Horse16-11-18 16:18
Back to School?
Steffan Rasmussen16-11-18 16:22
Back to School?
Whispering Horse16-11-18 16:28
1. Top Gun (MadMartigan)
2. Crocodile Dundee (Åkepool)
3. Platoon (MadMartigan)
4. Karate Kid 2 (David Lund)
5. Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (Steffan Rasmussen)
6. Back to School (Steffan Rasmussen).
MadMartigan tager næste tur, da han var hurtigst med to rigtige svar.
Whispering Horse16-11-18 16:29
Fra hvilken film, er dette trivia?
Although the movie received lukewarm reception in the United States and was panned by a great deal of critics, it is a highly popular nostalgic movie in some former socialist countries (like Romania and Hungary), as well as in Brazil, and is frequently reran on television.
Nyt trivia i morgen, og frem til den gættes.
MadMartigan16-11-18 20:31
Lou Diamond Phillips and Molly Ringwald both auditioned for the two lead roles, and even screen-tested numerous scenes together, which are included on the DVD version of the film as bonus features.
MadMartigan17-11-18 13:12
In the United States, the film was given the R rating, and in the United Kingdom, the film was given the AA rating, before getting a 15 certificate for its VHS release for its graphic nudity and sexual content. However, when the film was given a cinema release in New Zealand, it was given the R13 rating, but the rating was changed to PG when it was released on VHS and it was also given the PG rating in Australia.
MadMartigan18-11-18 15:40
MadMartigan18-11-18 18:34