Forum - Forum-tråd: Restaureret 35mm. udgave af Star Wars udgivet online

Restaureret 35mm. udgave af Star Wars udgivet online

  • ★★★★★★0

    Særdeles interessant nyhed, må man sige.

    Zero Cool18-02-16 19:28

  • ★★★★0

    Meget. Gad vide hvor de har fået fingre i den.

    gi-jones18-02-16 20:03

  • ★★★★★0

    Det er nu ikke en hel film rulle de bare har opsporet der er stadigvæk lidt fra forskellige ruller, men det er den mest komplette hidtil. medmindre de har fået fingrene i en ny rulle, jeg kan se det her var for hel del år tilbage, men tænker det nok også har været projekt længe undervejs.

    the opening scene is made from 3 different stocks of films.

    the crawl is the original splice in. the flyover is 2 different

    lpp prints, and most of the rest of the film is one stock.

    the han shoots first scene is also an original red faded

    kodak stock. you WILL notice a difference in the quality

    of these scenes..


    any scene that had major composites, like the mos

    eisely entry scene, the falcon taking off, will also appear

    degraded due to several generations of reproduction.

    there will be slight digital alterations of these also..


    in the end, about 90-95% of the films should be considered

    very close to the 'original'... the rest should be negligible

    and not easily detected, even if using the GOUT as a 


    Elwood18-02-16 20:33

  • ★★★★★0

    Nope det er det samme projekt som de begyndte og skrive om allerede i 2012, skriver de også kort om i interviewet der linkes til (min info kommer bare fra den tråd de har lavet omkring projektet) ting tager den tid ting skal tage, men fedt er det, jeg er spændt på og se forskellen fra Harmy's udgave, som er den seneste jeg har set.

    History : Star Wars was the second print procured
    by Team Negative1. 6 x 35mm reels were scanned and archived.
    There was 6 reels of a Spanish LPP print, and 5 reels
    of a red faded Eastman print, and 1 further reel 5 with
    10 minutes.

    The LPP had minimal damage, but more on the heads and tails.
    There was a constant amount of dust and dirt throughout.

    There were no splices except for the original crawl, and
    Han shoots first scene.

    Technical : Scan was in 2k, and resulted in a HD 1080p version.
    Later, select shots were rescanned in 4k, along with the rest
    of the LPP print. This was not used as the workflow was already

    Compatibility :
    At this point, there is no GOUT compatibility and no subtitles.

    Not done:

    • Cleanup of glue frames

    Future : There are advanced Eastman Kodak prints ready to be
    restored. The scans are 4k, but again we are targetting 1080p
    for the final release.

    Lidt billeder/film fra projektet.

    Elwood18-02-16 20:48

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