Med hensyn til Peter Jacksons overblik over tingene under produktionen af Hobbit-filmene er det nok værd at tage i betragtning hvad han udtalte i h.h.v. april og juli sidste år, for derved får man et mere fuldstændigt billede af situationen og hvordan det har været for ham at lave trilogien:
"You know, you set out to do something, and I have achieved what I set out to do to the best of my ability. Right or wrong, good or bad, I feel that I tried my best and did my best. So I am OK. I am good. I think people seem to enjoy the films we made and fans go to them four or five times, and for a filmmaker, you couldn’t wish for a better result really.
..... As a filmmaker what was scary was the thought I had initially before I started shooting: Was this going to be just repeating myself or trying to be in competition with myself? So that was a fear. And the other thing, and more practical thing with The Hobbit, was the concept of a story with 13 dwarves... you have to somehow pull out the ones to feature. That was a daunting thing with The Hobbit. You almost wish Tolkien had stopped with six dwarves [laughs]. It was just like, Oh my god. The first part of it, I just turned up on set and realized, I am actually really enjoying this. I enjoyed going back into Middle-earth again. It wasn’t repeating myself or copying myself. It was a different story, different dialogue, most of the characters were different. So I was wrong to have that fear. I really enjoyed it. Still, we had the 13 dwarves to deal with, but at least in this movie we get to knock a couple off, which is a relief.
..... You’re always going to have stuff you’re learning, because you’re at film school any time you make a movie. You come out of it and sometimes you don’t know what you learned because it’s unconscious. But the thing with The Hobbit I will tell you... I went into it very unprepared. Because Guillermo [Del Toro, the original director] had 18 months of prep, and he couldn’t do the films and I took them over and I only had six months of prep. I didn’t have time to highlight any storyboards, and then it was just suddenly dumped into three movies. And I was sick. I had an ulcer and I was still sore when I was on the set. So I look at the movies and actually see my mojo getting stronger and stronger.
People ask me what’s my favorite movie and I say the third one because that’s when I really felt like I had got my act together. I came away from the end ofThe Hobbit more excited about making movies than I ever had. I just felt myself getting better and better, stronger and stronger as a filmmaker, and that is sort of embedded in the movies. Now I just want to make movies. I am jazzed up about the whole process, which doesn’t normally happen after doing one movie. Doing three in a row got a momentum going and I want to keep that momentum going."
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"we gave it a bit of an attempt on The Hobbit to step back and be producers for Guillermo del Toro. Though we were still writing and producing, this would have allowed me to do some things while Guillermo was shooting and in post. But that didn’t work out. MGM now has the United Artists’ half of the rights, but that was all pretty much up in the air then and when GDT left and I took it over, (it was) ‘OK. Peter, you’re back in.’ Like Al Pacino inGodfather III? You try to get out and they pull you back in. But once I was back in, it was a blast. This was the most fun I ever had making a film.
DEADLINE: What’s most gratifying?
JACKSON: I damn sure wasn’t going to spend five years of my life miserable, wishing somebody else had directed it. I was going to have fun and make some great movies. I had more confidence than the first time around. We shot these three more or less in sequence. I really like the third movie, I feel like we’ve gotten up a full head of steam up."
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P.S. Jeg har handlet hos Homeenter Filmclub, som allerede sendte filmen i forgårs, d.vs. den 17. november.